How to Control IBS Flare-Ups

Woman drink a glass of water with lemons in it.Cramping, fatigue, and constipation/diarrhea might have you wondering how to control IBS flare-ups. IBS can be both mentally and physically draining, especially when you have symptoms that don’t seem to go away no matter what you do. 

This article will talk about ways to deal with a current IBS attack and how to prevent them in the future.

What is an IBS Flare-Up?

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, affects nearly 11% of the global population. IBS often affects women more than men and is generally diagnosed in people under the age of 50. 

An IBS flare-up is characterized by an increase in symptoms like:

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Mucus in stools
  • Fatigue

IBS attacks can last anywhere from a few days to a month or more. The best way to control an IBS flare-up is to figure out your triggers and learn how to manage them in a way that feels right for you. Remember that each person presents with IBS differently so each person needs a plan specifically tailored to them. 

Some symptoms to watch out for that indicate there is more of an issue than just IBS at play include:

  • Fever
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Bloody stool
  • Worsening abdominal pain even while avoiding your normal triggers
  • Unexplainable and recent bowel irregularity
  • Abnormal stomach pains that could be the result of intestinal inflammation

Should you experience any of these symptoms during your flare-up, consult your doctor or medical professional to avoid further problems. 

IBS Flare-Up Causes and How to Prevent Future Attacks

When it comes to an IBS flare-up, there can be several different causes to watch out for. Often referred to as triggers, some of the things that can initiate an IBS attack include:

  • High FODMAP foods
  • Gluten
  • Lactose
  • Stress
  • Psychological disturbances like anxiety or PTSD
  • Recent microbiome disturbances (like needing to take an antibiotic)
  • Bacterial or viral infection
  • Overgrowth of intestinal bacteria

If you are newly diagnosed with IBS, start keeping a food diary to see what foods could be potential triggers for you. Take notice of your symptoms each day after eating certain foods or when stress levels vary. It can be tempting to eliminate everything that can be a potential trigger, however, this doesn’t help you narrow down the exact cause which prevents you from being able to avoid future attacks. 

The first step to controlling your IBS flare-ups is knowing what your triggers are and taking measures to prevent future flare-ups with this information.

How to Control a Current IBS Flare Up

If you’re already in a flare-up, take the following steps to reduce the duration and severity of your current attack.

1. Figure out what caused the flare-up in the first place

Take a look at all the things you’ve been doing lately. 

  • Has stress been extra high? 
  • Have you felt more anxious lately (whether you know the cause or not)? 
  • Have you been eating differently than you normally do? 
  • What foods have you eaten leading up to the attack? 

Think about these questions for a little while and backtrack as to what the cause could have been. Also, note down what symptoms you’re experiencing to see what all those particular triggers caused. This will help you to feel more in control of your diagnosis and lessen the anxiety surrounding the questions like “when will an attack happen” or feelings of being out of control (which in and of itself can help to lessen symptoms).

2. Limit other potential triggers

Now that you’ve narrowed down what may have started this particular flare-up, you can start working on your current symptoms. Limit foods that cause this type of flare-up. If you keep exposing yourself to triggers, your body will take longer to heal. 

Limit high-carb foods that fall into the high-FODMAP category. (This article can help you find more information about low-carb dieting). You should also watch out for caffeine, alcohol, fat, and spicy foods as they can all exacerbate IBS symptoms as well.

3. Support healthy digestion without adding fuel to the fire

While the low-FODMAP diet restricts a lot of foods you might commonly eat, there are still foods you should focus on getting into your diet to help get your tummy back on track. 

  • Focus on eating a well-balanced diet (check out our website for some recipe ideas like this Zucchini Crepe Soft Taco Recipe to switch up your meals)
  • Get in the habit of eating smaller meals more often and definitely avoid skipping meals
  • Include prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics to help support your microbiome (avoid any that can be triggers for your symptoms)
  • Focus on staying properly hydrated especially if you’re experiencing diarrhea frequently (add fruits or vegetables to water to add flavor or opt for coconut water if plain water doesn’t appeal to you)

Supporting digestion outside of diet:

  • Use heating pads on your belly rather than painkillers for abdominal pain/cramping
  • Take Atrantil (a prebiotic and postbiotic supplement) to nourish your microbiome, reduce the presence of gas-producing archebacteria, reduce inflammation & bloating, and improve stool consistency. 
  • Peppermint tea or oil can help to reduce inflammation and calm stomach pains (which is why it’s one of the main ingredients in Atrantil)

4. Manage anxiety and stress

Anxiety and depression are common comorbidities in patients with IBS and can often initiate a flare-up if not well-managed. 

Some options for dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression include:

5. Exercise lightly and for short periods of time 

Exercise is good for everyone, but certain types of exercise are better for those with IBS particularly those in a current flare-up. Light exercises like walking and yoga can help to gently stimulate digestion and balance your microbiome. 

Continue exercising after your flare-up is over to keep your gut healthy and attacks at bay

6. Listen to your body

Sometimes rest will be better than exercise and that’s where listening to your body comes into play. Sit down and be mindful of: 

  • How you feel
  • What your energy levels are like
  • What feels good to you. 

Practicing meditation and letting your brain get used to being quiet can allow you to listen to your body a little easier.  It will let you know what it needs when it needs it. 

Talk to your doctor to see if CBT, Atrantil, gut-directed hypnotherapy, or specific dietary interventions would be the best path for you. An open line of communication between you and your healthcare professional can be the difference between a flare-up that lasts a day or one that lasts several weeks or months. 

What works the best for you? Let us know in the comments, it just might help someone else who is currently suffering from an attack.