Below are the most commonly asked questions about Atrantil.
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The biggest complaint in people who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a feeling of swelling or discomfort.
Bloating is a result of gas becoming trapped in the upper GI tract, and the most common cause is bacteria breaking down food.
In a healthy body, the upper GI tract is nearly sterile. This means that unlike the colon, the upper GI tract shouldn’t have much bacteria living in it.
When the normal environment of the GI tract is altered with increased bacteria, it can disrupt your digestive health and cause bloating and other digestive issues such as abdominal discomfort, constipation and diarrhea.
Yes, Atrantil has a super high antioxidant count and is full of beneficial polyphenols.
Taking Atrantil on a daily basis is ideal for maintaining overall digestive protection and support.
Begin dosing Atrantil at two capsules three times per day, with each dose taken at the beginning of meals. Most users experience significant relief within 20 to 30 days of starting Atrantil. Some may take longer.
Once relief is realized, consider reducing dosing to two capsules twice daily. If symptoms remain under control, reduce dosing further to two capsules daily.
Begin dosing Atrantil at two capsules as abdominal discomfort or bloating symptoms occur or along with foods known to cause symptoms. Most users experience relief in a few hours.
If relief doesn’t occur, consider increasing dosing to two capsules, three times per day, until significant relief is achieved. Reduce dosing as appropriate once relief is achieved and maintained.
After relief is found, maintenance dosing of two capsules daily can protect the environment of the bowel and prevent symptoms.
For known or suspected trigger foods, recommend that patients take one or two capsules before consuming that food.
To create something as special as Atrantil, we pushed the limits of science and scoured the globe for the purest, most effective natural botanicals. We make Atrantil in Canada with the highest quality controls and processing standards.
In addition to Atrantil’s three active botanicals—Peppermint Leaf (M. balsamea Willd extract), Quebracho extract, Horse Chestnut (Conker Tree extract) composed in a unique patented molecular combination — Atrantil contains very simple ingredients to form the capsule, prevent caking and add a small amount of color. It’s free of common ingredients that many people are allergic or sensitive to.
Other Ingredients
Microcrystalline, cellulose, vegetable gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.
Free of troublesome ingredients
Atrantil is completely free of milk, eggs, peanuts, gluten, soy and shellfish.
Not to be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers or by anyone with an allergy to any of this product’s ingredients. Keep out of the reach of children. If you take other medications, please consult with your doctor or other qualified health care professional before using Atrantil.
Yes, Atrantil is FAARP gluten-free certified and safe for those with gluten sensitivities and intolerances.
Atrantil is free from milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, gluten and shellfish.
Yes, Atrantil is made with vegetable-based gelatin.
Atrantil is made of natural ingredients. Atrantil does not contain synthetic, man-made ingredients and no artificial coloring or additives. Therefore, variation in color may occur between capsules due to the natural ingredients. Color variations in capsules are a natural occurrence due to the time of harvest, the region of growth, weather, and other factors, which all play a role in the resulting color.
These variations are part of what sets Atrantil apart from other products. It is made of natural ingredients, not artificial chemicals so that you know exactly what you are putting in your body.
You can have peace of mind knowing that each batch of Atrantil is held to the very highest standards. Atrantil has to meet rigorous specifications to ensure exactly what is on the label is in each capsule. Atrantil is tested not only by our manufacturer, which is located inCanada, and held to the highest standards.
To find out more about the certifications that Atrantil holds, please visit https://atrantil.ca/safety/. To learn more about NSF certification, please go to https://atrantil.ca/blog/what-is-nsf-sport-certified/.
The differences in color are part of Atrantil’s natural beauty and we are proud to be able to provide you a natural solution for your digestive needs.
People suffering from occasional symptoms have seen results in a couple of hours after taking one dose of two capsules.
We recommend that you continue to take Atrantíl up to three times a day until you achieve significant relief.
With this schedule, you can typically expect to see relief in seven to 10 days.
However, for some sufferers, it may take 20 to 30 days to experience significant relief.*
*Individual results may vary
Yes. Gas producing bacteria is thought to be the root cause of symptoms for most sufferers.
The mechanism of action of Atrantil is effective, but for patients with significantly larger amounts of methane producing bacteria, it’s reasonable to expect that it may take 20 to 30 days to experience relief.*
*Individual results may vary
If I feel no relief or even a little extra fatigued when beginning Atrantil therapy, is that normal?
Yes. For some, varying amounts of bacteria will affect the amount of time required to take control of your symptoms.
In addition, it’s quite possible that the bacteria may release very small amounts of toxins as Atrantil begins to work.
This is an expected reaction and an indication that Atrantil is working very well.
Atrantil therapy should be continued during this period, and in most cases taking one low-dose aspirin or ibuprofen will help with these symptoms.*
*Individual results may vary
The side effect profile for Atrantil has been very minimal. A small amount of customers have seen some mild abdominal discomfort when taken on an empty stomach.
It is ok to continue taking other supplements and digestive enzymes while taking Atrantil. However, we do not recommend taking probiotics while taking Atrantil, unless they are spore based. The reason we do not recommend other kinds of probiotics in because, Atrantil works to get rid of the overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel, which causes the adverse symptoms. By adding in more bacteria through probiotics, you are adding more fuel to the fire by putting more bacteria in the area we are trying to get rid of it. However, once Atrantil has had a chance to work and the small bowel is able to flow freely again, so that the bacteria flow into the colon where they belong, you can add back in the probiotics. But, if you do choose to take probiotics while on Atrantil, just know it may take longer to see results. And in that case, we recommend spacing them at least an hour apart from the time you take Atrantil.
Atrantil can be taken with or without food, but for best results, we recommend taking it 30 minutes before meals.
Yes, Atrantil will still relieve symptoms if it is taken after a meal.
There are 90 capsules in each bottle of Atrantil.